Rush, New York - Community News, Blog, Images, Artwork
" Multum in Parvo. "
(much in little)

Here's where we put all the reference material. We don't have a good librarian to keep it straight, so we'll just dump the research here and you can wade through it if you are interested.
Have a question? Fill out the contact form and we'll answer it.
The Town started broadcasting it's meetings over YouTube when the pandemic started in 2021. Click the link above to go to their YouTube channel. It's a mess, and we'll be working on an index so you can find things quicker.
Here's A Quick Tip:
We run a calendar that has upcoming meeting info and all the past meetings and minutes and recordings are linked by date. You can see a monthly view here. The link is also at the top of every pager here on The Echo.
The Town of Rush Official Website is kind of a mess. They have some things on this site, but most of the current public documents are on this site called ecode360.com. Here's some quick links.
Here's aNOTHER Quick Tip:
If you scroll to the bottom of any page on the Town of Rush Official Website, the bottom of every page (the footer) has all the best links on it:

This link above takes you to all the future agendas for all the town meetings. The most popular one is probably the Town Board Agenda which is supposed to be up on line a day or so before the meeting date. These are PDF documents, so phone reading is tough. Better have a computer or a tablet.
These get posted on the regular town site because it has the "engine" to send links to them to people who are on the e-mailing list. Legal Notices need to be published weeks in advance of meetings that discuss them.
Want to get notices sent to you
from the town as they are posted?
There are a bunch of other categories of documents scattered around on the "Document Center" page of the Town website. Poke around here and on the ecode360.com official site and see if you can find what you may be looking for.
Current minutes from boards and committees are here in ecode360.com, except for the Comprehensive Plan Update Committee who has their stuff scattered around on the Town website and on some Google Drive account. Click here for links to their going's on. There is also a https://rushcomprehensiveplan.com/ website with details.
All Things SOlar
This solar farm at 540 Honeoye Falls #6 Road started as an idea back in March 2018 and the planning is still ongoing. This is the full timeline of the history of the project from 2018 to the present.
PILOT is the idea that if a company puts solar panels on property, they pay for the increased value of the property instead of the land owner. These are the details on how it won't work in Rush because they "opted out".
This is the "Misc. Documents" section on the ecode360.com site that contains the archives on all the details on solar projects (and some other energy things too.)
Oldies but Goodies
Back in 1979 the Neisner family was planning on putting a housing development in Rush and the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle did an article on the Town of Rush. Some 40 years later it still reads like it was written yesterday.
Click the image for another article from back then about the development
History of Development
Big Land Owners
We went through all the property records and figured out who owns what in the town of Rush. Sometimes a property owner is a company, or maybe there are a few family members that each have land in their name. It it was a company that was an owner, we figured out who the owner was then we grouped people together by family if it made sense, or by the owner of a company. Here's what's on the list:
Owner = The most responsible person or group that owns the land and what City or town and state they live in.
Total Acres = The sum of all the property we found that this owner has
Type = The owner is one of a few types. Government is self explanatory. Farming is someone who is a real farmer and has farmland. Residential is a person's home. Some farmers live in Rush, so they are Residential - Farming. A Developer is someone that doesn't live in Rush but owns lots of land that isn't farmed (meaning that they are probably going to put residential property on it.) Some developers live in Rush, so they are Residential - Developer. There is Vacant Farmland that could go anywhere in the spectrum of land use. You are smart. Figure it out or ask us for more detail.
Percentage of Land - There is about 12,000 of the 19,000 acres of the town in the database we used. The rest is waterways and roads and trails and wetlands and other land that isn't taxed. This is the percentage of the taxable area that this person owns.
Percentage of Town Owned / Ranking - Start adding the numbers together in rank order from the biggest to the smallest. This is the way we figure out how much of the town is owned by each person starting with the largest land owner.
We're going to do a feature on all of the top 50 land owners that coincidentally own about 50% of the town.
Here's the full list and here's the people we have profiled so far:
#22 - Renelem Inc., Betsy Neisner - Leverett, MA